▻ Spiritual Atheist (no, it's not an oxymoron)

▻ Liberal Democrat

▻ Bibliophile


▻ 🌈Top writer in LGBT+

▻ Living in a state of perpetual contentment.

I have the view that life is a sequence of journeys from which we can learn two lessons.

(1) Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in depth and breadth, and

(2) The journey is life's purpose. Live it with honor, integrity, character, and good intentions, and touch the lives of those one encounters with some degree of gentle grace, kindness, and empathy, and one will have lived life to its purpose.

I write memoirs, political commentaries, and essays.

I mainly publish in Prism n Pen, Found in My Journal, Politically Speaking, and One Gay Man's Perspective, with the occasional piece in Cry Magazine.

Don't miss my gentle lilting voice when I write a memoir or my crisp lawyer's voice when writing commentary.

Read my Reminiscences of 1970s San Francisco series for a look at gay life in that marvelous place at that defining time, or my Reminiscences of 1970s D.C. series for the coming out stories of a gay young buck discovering his way into his new life as an out and proud gay, twenty-something young man.

alxfyv.medium@gmail.com. --

If you would like to know more about me, consult

The Wordsmith™🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸 (Phillip Steven ("Alex") Alexander) (2-minute read),

More About Me—Phillip Steven Alexander (installment 2) (4-minute read), or

Medium member since November 2019
The Wordsmith🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸™

Alex (Steve Alexander)/Existentialist Extraordinaire/Opinionated & grumpy gay septuagenarian contrarian content in his current station/alxfyv.Medium@gmail.com